Saturday, March 31, 2007

This Week's Progress

Mon-Fri this week has been spend on my Eeyore Latch Hook Rug. I seem to have been working on this like forever, but can't actually remember when I started it. Everytime I pick this up the first time I work on it it really hurts my hand, wrist and arm, and I can't work out why, I suppose it's the way I hold the hooking tool. Anyway, I've been working out that if I can finish 20 rows each time I pull this out I can finish it by the end of June this year, and that means a free slot to put something else into! So to do 20 rows each time it means an average of 4 rows a night for the 5 nights I'm working on it. Mon went well and I did 5 rows, but because my arm etc hurt so much I only managed 2 Tue, but did 5 again Wed and then my 4 Thur and Fri so I've reached my target for myself and am a happy bunny. I was looking at my last wip pic of this last night and have made far more progress this time around than I realised which is good. So now it goes away for another three weeks, and I have to say I'm relieved lol.
It's back to my Chatelaine Lavender Garden Mandala for the weekend SAL with Julie and Sally, and I can't wait!!!


Sally said...

The rug is looking brilliant Lisa!

Julie said...

it's growing nicely Lisa

YAY - the mandala !! LOL