Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all my friends and blog readers, hope it's a really good one for you.
Last night I had another new start to add to my rotation for the weekends in January, Waxing Moon's Simply Spring. I had been working out a rotation for January and had planned to do my latch hook rug Mon-Fri, with weekends as free choice, and then San Man's Take Time To Giggle as my handbag project. But after spending two nights in a row on the rug my right hand and arm really hurt, and I remembered why I'd put it away before. So then I modified the rotation plan to be Mon, Wed, Fri on the rug, and Tue & Thur on QS Tomboy which was going to be my focus once the rug is done. Happy with that decision I was then thinking of what I would stitch on a weekend, and looking at all my other WIP's they are all large except for my handbag project, which I don't want to do on a weekend as well. So that gave me an excuse for a new start! It's off my list of planned things for 2007 so that feels good. I kitted it up during the day yesterday and made a start when DD had gone to bed and DH had gone to work. I managed to stitch the R & I and a bunny before my eyes started to get heavy, so I'm really hoping that if it carries on stitching up so well I might be able to finish it before the mystery SAL I'm starting in Feb, which will be my weekend stitching then I think.
I placed an order with DSL during the timing of their 35% off sale on Saturday morning, for DH to give me for my birthday, but I've still not heard anything from Amy and I'm really worried now. Was reading on the TS BB that others have had confirmation from her, and I ordered before them. I've emailed her again a couple of times asking for a response but still nothing. Knowing my luck my order will have gone missing in cyberspace. I have got the auto confirmation, but if everything I've ordered has been allocated to others I'm going to end up with nothing for my Birthday. Baah humbug....


Julie said...

Happy New Year to you Lisa. Looking forward to seeing a WIP pic of W M ...

Karen said...

Happy New Year Lisa I hope your order was placed ok and you get the items for your birthday

Mary Ann said...

Happy New Year, Lisa!!

JoAnn said...

Happy New Year Lisa! Hope you get your new order all figured out!

Sally said...

Happy New Year Lisa! Hope your rotation works. I have sorted mine and hoping I can stick to it OK. Have you heard anything from Amy yet?