For the past few months my stitching has been few and far between. When I have stitched I've enjoyed it, but although I have the urge to pick up a needle, most nights I'm just too tired or restless to actually do it. I've even considered deleting my blog altogether as I think all of my readers have probably given up on me now and decided I'm a lost cause, but I couldn't quite do it, so here I am again.
Added to that I've had gifts to stitch which I'm never very good at doing. As soon as something becomes an obligation it seems I run the other way lol. I love being able to give hand-stitched gifts to friends and family, it's just the actual sitting down and stitching that seems to be the problem! I also thought that this year I'd got away with not doing an ornament for our tree, but DH had other plans so I'm now in the middle of stitching that. We're putting our xmas decorations up a week today so I need to get my finger out and get it finished!
Anyway, here are pics of what I have done this last couple of months that I can show you. I have two gifts to show once they are received and opened, plus our xmas ornament, so will save those for next time. The two wips are both HAED's, Cabin In The Woods which is my nemesis and no doubt I'll still be stitching when I'm 90, and the freebie SK SAL Moon Fantasy. Slow progress on both of them, but progress all the same.

I've been looking back at what I have actually stitched over the year. So far I've got 13 finishes, with another finish to come when this ornament is done, so that will be 14 in 12 months, and only 2 of them are large. That has got to be the lowest number I've had in a LONG time, which makes me sad and annoyed with myself when I think of the amount of stash I have that goes untouched. I started off the year so well with 2 large finishes, but it's been downhill all the way since then. I really have to get myself back into a routine of stitching because I know that I love it when I do.
I'm considering at the moment trying a rotation again lol. I'm also considering what I'd like to stitch in 2010. Part of me is thinking of starting loads of new stuff and ignoring my already started projects lol, but the other part is actually thinking of making 2010 the year of the UFO like I've seen mentioned on a couple of blogs. I have 8 projects (5 of them HAED's) on the go which because they get so little attention really should all be classed as UFO's. However I think if I restricted myself to no new starts at all I'd be miserable, so I have to think of another way of making progress on my UFO's and still being able have some new starts. Any ideas? I'm considering picking one UFO to focus on mostly til it's finished and allowing myself one new start, with me using most of my stitching time on the UFO with a small amount on the new start. When the UFO is finished I'll choose another to focus on, and I can have another new start when the first is finished. Do you think that would work?
Well, I keep putting off stitching on this ornament but I really need to try to get it finished, so will finish waffling for now. If you are still reading my blog, thanks for sticking around!
I encourage you to try a rotation to get your items worked on.
Both HAEDs are looking great!
Cabin in the Woods looks great. Whatever gets your mojo going - ufos or new stash...just enjoy yourself
Glad you are posting again :)
Both your HAED's look great. I know how you feel if you are too tired in the evening to pick up the needle. I'm very tired in the evening as well, but I it is my moment to relax and unstress. I'm sitting in my sofa in front of tv while stitching and even if I only do 30 stitches it is a progress for me.
I have about 5 WIP's on the run, I'm planning to start 2 more. I try to work on one of them till I'm bored and then I jump over to the other till I'm bored again and so on.... By this I won't burn out to stitch, but keep enjoying it. And even if I have different WIP's on the run, they all will be finished some day. If it is not this year, then it is next year or...
Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving day and I keep watching your blog and progresses.
Greetings from Belgium,
Good to see you posting again. Fab WIP's. :0)
Had mojo problems too, so I started to just stitch on whatever project I fancied - UFO, small new start.... whatever. It helped. Hope you regain your stitching enthusiasm soon. :0)
my stitching is soooo slow but i keep plodding along, i even joined a stitchalong blog to get me motivated, but you are stitching a HAED i have just bought my first one so i will be with you when im 90 too still stitching and blogging lol
I really like your HAED's and I know the feeling of having UFO's around. I am trying to address that problem too and have also made one my Focus for next year. Hope you find the happy medium you are looking for. Hugs
A rotation sound's like a good idea.Hope it works for you.
Welcome back to the blogging world.
Your rotation plans sound very good and I'm sure that they will work, at least for a while. And when they fall apart after a while (which is very common with me, lol) you can re-establish a new rotation. But the most important is that you are working on some of your WIPs, no matter how often or how much. I wish you luch for your plans.
Your HAEDs look fantastic!
Good to see you blogging again Lisa. Don't delete your blog, just post when you feel like it {{{{hugs}}}}
Both Cabin and MF look fantastic :)
Hi Lisa, sorry I am a bit late in posting this. All I want to say is that I think we all go through that phase of "hating" the needle and not having any enthusiasm for it. It's okay. It is a hobby at the end of the day something to be enjoyed - don't let it burden you. Just take a break and come back to it at a later date. The probs I have is that there are too many inspiring blogs out there and it makes me want to do everything and I just can't then I feel bad that I don't do as much as someone else!! Just be content with the treasures that you do do and know you are inspiring others at the same time. Happy Christmas hun. x
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