Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Tomboy Page Happy Dance

I finished page 4 of my Tomboy QS the other day, but have carried on a little bit to grid the little bit on page 3 and get some of that done. Page 3 is mostly blending filament (yuck) so have decided to keep picking it up between other slots in my rotation to do a bit on it and hopefully it won't be so bad that way. I really really want to finish her this year and had considered giving her another slot in the rotation, but I think I might get sick of her that way, so instead I will just keep doing a little bit inbetween, even if it's only a couple of hundred stitches, and when her slot does come around I might do a bit over the 10 hours if she's going well.
Next up is Cirque, yummy colours and easy relaxed stitching!
Have a good Wednesday everyone (hugs).


Paula said...

She's looking lovely Lisa, well done with her.
Happy stitching......

Anonymous said...

She is looking good! Fingers crossed you will get her done this year :)

Julie said...

Well done Lisa, she's looking wonderful

Sally said...

Tomboy is looking brilliant Lisa:) You are getting on really well with her.

Stitchingranny said...

Making great progress Lisa, she is looking good.

Anonymous said...

Tomboy is looking so good-you are making good progress!