The weekend before last I finally got my finger out and finished the giveaway prize that
Jane won back in December! I sent it off on it's way to her last Wednesday and I had an email on Friday I think it was to say she had received it and loves it, thank goodness!

The design is Needles & Pins by Raise The Roof, stitched on a 28ct Silkweaver Solo which is a mottled pale lilac, using various hand-dyed threads in some of Jane's favourite colours. I also included a mother of pearl thread holder, a skein of HDF silk, and an Aero Lamb (well it is spring now and everyone needs chocolate don't they?!). This is the first time I've tried a beaded edge finish and although I found it fiddly at first I was really pleased with the way it turned out, and will definitely do it again.
Postie brought me a gift last week as well which was so welcome.
Ranae recently stitched Homespun Elegance's Holiest of Nights and I had commented on her blog asking what the design was called and who by as I immediately fell in love with it and wanted to add it to my wish list. Anyway, as she had been RAK'd the chart herself she was very sweet and offered to send the chart onto me! I'm not sure when I will get around to stitching it, but when I have I will be sure to pass on her generosity.

After finishing the gift I didn't stitch for a few days as I was feeling a bit out of sorts. I still am actually, but figured that stitching usually relaxes me so I should get back to it. I've got my first consultant visit at the hospital tomorrow afternoon to see what they can do about my painful coccyx. From recent doctor visits and examinations it's thought that either it is fractured or there is an old fracture around which scar tissue as formed, which means that it hurts me to sit down in certain positions and is VERY painful to get from sitting to standing after being sat for any length of time. The plan is, if all goes well tomorrow, that I will be having an operation to manipulate the coccyx and break up the scar tissue, and then steroid injections to help it heal. I'm really scared about going to see the consultant tomorrow, although I know it needs doing. I just know that the examination is going to be very painful, I'm scared of hospitals so nervous of being there, and already getting terrified of when I have to have the operation itself.
Anyway, in an effort to try to forget my worries I've pulled LHN's Winter Band Sampler back out and put in some stitches the last couple of days, and have actually really enjoyed it, so I'm glad I did. I was going to pull something else out today to stitch on, but I think I'm actually going to keep going with this while I'm still enjoying it.

That's it for now I think, hope you all have a great week ahead. Thanks to everyone who reads my wafflings and especially to those who take the time to leave me a comment, they always give me a smile.