Have had a good stitching week again this week and pleased with the progress I've made on all my wips. I'm afraid it's going to be the same wips for you to look at for a while yet, so hope you don't get too bored. Hopefully the Sock Monkey ornament and then Spooky will be finished this year, but my Personalised Sampler and Alisha are here to stay I think lol.
I've been having thoughts of what I'd like to stitch in 2011 and although I have other wip's/ufo's that could do with some attention, at the moment I think I want to keep going with PS and Alisha while I'm enjoying them and then devote the rest of my time to ornaments and small to medium projects so I can have some finishes and maybe even finish a biggie next year. Saying that though, I'm also daydreaming of a new start for 1st Jan 2011. I would love to start another biggie, but almost all my wip's/ufo's are biggies, so I think it needs to be a small/medium which I have a hope of finishing one day lol, and if so then it needs to be one I've wanted to start for a while. Or maybe I could start something I've given a bit of thought to, a monthly ornament for 2011? Not just christmas ornaments, but more seasonal. What do you think?
I have carried on adding my stash to an inventory as well over the last week, and the more I add the more I think I could open my own shop lol. I REALLY shouldn't be buying anymore charts as I've enough for me and all of you to stitch for the rest of our lives without worry I think pmsl. But that still doesn't stop me wanting to order more. At the moment I've got the Kelmscott Tombstone Angel and Monogram Hornbook in my cart along with some fancy scissors and tweezers at Anita's Little Stitches, but I haven't pressed the place order button just yet. I've also seen the upcoming releases from CCN and Christmas Carols is absolutely gorgeous, one I really am going to have to get at some point. And then I saw some new Dinky Dyes scissors which are heart scissors and available in purple or hot pink, some of my favourite colours, and they both want to come home to live with me. See my problem? I keep thinking of placing a big order and then going on the wagon for a few years hehe, but I don't think it's going to happen so I'm just trying to be good one day at a time lol.
Til next time, happy stitching and stashing!