I've been doing a course about helping in schools one day a week for the last 5 weeks, as well as volunteering at DD's school at least half a day each week, and added to that there is loads of homework from the course. To say the course isn't what I expected is an understatement, it is far more involved that I could ever imagine and I've been feeling really stressed about the homework and worrying I couldn't do it. But I've hit the halfway mark this week and the feedback from my homework has been great which has given me a boost to keep going. At the moment I'm just lurching from one week to the next as it's Mon - free day, Tue - course, Wed - school, Thur & Fri homework, Sat & Sun relief once homework is done and sent, then it starts all over again! lol The course itself finishes mid July although we have til the beginning of September to put our portfolio of work together and send it all in for moderation, but I'm trying really hard to keep up so that hopefully I'll be able to finish all my work sooner rather than later and I can give a huge sigh of relief.
Anyway, onto stitching, after all it's what this blog is supposed to be about lol. I've been stitching my PIF's for a while now on and off and finished the stitching on the last one a couple of weeks back (I stitched one for me as well as I wanted to keep all the ones I stitched lol). I've also stitched a gift for DD's teacher for the end of the year as she's been wonderful with her. So today when DD asked to have a craft afternoon I thought it the perfect time to get all the finishing done. Little did I know how long it was going to take me, 4 hours! I've only just finished tidying up, taking pics of them and then came on here to post and I'm exhausted lol. I know some people love kitting projects up and some love finishing things off, but me I just love the stitching lol.
So here is a pic of the teacher gift I did, LK's 2 Teach Is 2 Touch. DD asked her teacher what her favourite colours were without giving anything away, so it's done in pink, purple and blue. The star is metallic glissen gloss but you can't tell in the pic. I made it into a hanging pinkeep as I thought she might like to hang it in her classroom.

I can't show pics of the PIF's yet as I need to package them up and send them off this week, but as soon as I know they've arrived at their new homes I'll be sure to let you see them. One is going to Sally but the other two will be surprises to the recipients as Sally was the only person to sign up when I did my PIF. I've struggled to decide what to do about the other two and so have chosen two people who have read my blog for a long time, even when I haven't posted regularly, and often taken the time to leave me a quick comment. I hope they like their gift.
I have some other pics to show of my HAED stitching lately, and a little something else up my sleeve, so will be back soon hopefully. Hope you've all had a great weekend. Happy Stitching! x
lovely finish Lisa. Sounds like you are very busy - good luck with the rest of the course, it sounds like you are doing great!
Good luck with the course, are you training to be a Teaching Assistant?
Love the finish, what a great little pattern.
Lovely finish Lisa, I am busy finishing 3 teacher gifts too. I have just found your blog after you commented on mine :)we are almost neighbours as I am in York. Love the picture of Whitby on your header...gorgeous place xx
Love your finish Lisa. I bet Erin's teacher will love it.
Oooh I'm so excited by your PIF:) I'll be accosting postie! LOL!
I am sure you will do just fine with the course:)
Mystery solved: I think you are the Lisa I need to thank for the gorgeous gifties I received this morning. Thank you for my lovely surprises - I love them! Can't wait to show them off on my blog. :0)
Well done for persevering with the course: stepping outside our comfort zone is always hard... but also very rewarding. Am sure you will do just fine. :0)
Lovely finish too: that's going to be one very happy teacher. :0)
What a great gift for a teacher!
Thank you for your gorgeous gift Lisa which arrived today - so happy and feel so lucky to have been chosen by you.
Sucdh a loevly finish. The teacher who received it must have been highly pleased.
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