The Cirque chart and remaining HDF silks have both been sold now, thanks for the interest.
So it seems that you all like to see finishes, and I aim to please! Over the weekend I finished my Country Cottage Needleworks/Crescent Colours Thread Pack "Cottage Garden" which has been my travel project since January. I tried working on Cabin for a couple of days after finishing Cirque but ended up with an awful headache and feeling frustrated, so decided to try Cottage Garden and loved every minute.
The fabric is Jayne's Attic "August" from 2007 I think and just made the colours pop when I did the floss toss. I don't yet know how I'm going to finish it, am considering trying my first mattress pincushion, but am a bit scared to try it, so we'll see. I'll be putting the gently used chart up for sale/trade on my Wish List & For Sale Items Blog which you can see in my sidebar after I've finished this post if you're interested.
Next, a couple of weeks ago Sally gave me an award on her blog.
These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these kind writers. When you pass the award along please include these guidelines. I am to choose eight friends to share this with.

I love all the blogs I read so this is difficult for me, but I will try. If your blog is not listed please do not think I do not love your blog, I wish I could nominate you all.

I love all the blogs I read so this is difficult for me, but I will try. If your blog is not listed please do not think I do not love your blog, I wish I could nominate you all.
Next up Helen was interviewed recently and asked if anyone would like to be interviewed by her in turn. I have to reply to her 5 questions and then ask if anyone would like to be interviewed by me. Please leave me a comment if you would like to be interviewed. Here are Helen's questions.
1. How long have you been stitching and what got you started?
I've been stitching 13 years now. I started stitching after getting together with DH and going to visit his mum for the first time. She was a cross stitcher at the time and it intrigued me. So off I went and bought a magazine with one of the freebie kits on the front and I was hooked lol.
2. Have you got a favourite designer and if so what is it that appeals about his or her designs?
I don't have one favourite designer, but I do tend to lean towards a few like LHN, CCN, Just Nan, Drawn Thread and HAED.
3. Do you do any other crafts apart from cross stitch?
I did try card making and scrapbooking and for a while, but they've now fallen by the wayside and I'm left with drawers full of tools that are unused as my stitching addiction has decided it won't share me lol.
4. If you could choose to own a whole set of any kind of thread what would it be and why?
It would have to be HDF or Crescent Colours. I love stitching in HDF silks and I adore the colours of CC threads with their subtle variagations.
5. Is there any stitching skill that you do not have and would love to learn?
I've tried hardanger and loved it and would like to do more in future. At the moment I'm wanting to try needlepoint and have a small Sue Hawkins kit in my stash ready. I really would love to learn to use my sewing machine with confidence though so I could expand my choice of finishes.
Helen also let me know recently that my offer to run the Craft Shop in her Village had been accepted! I'm so excited as I've always wanted my own craft shop. I understand that Karan would like to work in the shop so if you're reading this and would like an interview please let me know.
And finally here is a pic of something I bought on a trip to Liverpool last month. I've been looking for something for ages to display my tucks and hanging ornaments etc, and when I saw this I just had to have it. I need to stitch lots of for it as you can see, and eventually would like to make it a seasonal tree, but think it will be a while.
Hope you all have a wonderful week and you don't have any visits from the pesky frogs. I'm back stitching on the Papillon mystery from last year, How Does Your Garden Grow, so will have an update on that next time.
I love the way you have displayed your ornaments Lisa and Cottage Garden is so pretty!
I love the display stand, it's so unusual, and your work looks lovely on it. :)
Thank you so much for the award x
Your ornaments look lovely displayed on the stand Lisa. It looks so pretty.
Cottage Garden is gorgeous! Congratulations on the finish.
Thank you for the award Lisa. :0)Love the finish & the ornie tree looks lovely. Have managed to get myself a metal tree about the same size but it's so obviously a Christmas one (has a star on top) I can't use it all year round.
Interview please - have always wanted to work in a craft shop. :0)
BTW, please be gentle - it's been a loooong time since I last had an interview. LOL.
Hi Lisa,
I just found your blog! I enjoyed reading it, you make wonderful things and I will come back again to visit.
Congrats on your award, you do deserve it!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Wendy (HAED SAL)
This is totally unrelated to your post - but here it is anyway!! I saw your comment on Andrea's site asking for the pattern for the biscornu "Thanks a bunch" which is hard to find online. Here's where I found it.
thanks for the award Lisa, it's my 1st!
I love the cottage garden finish, I have emailed you about buying it
great way to display your ornaments
Congrats on the award. The stitching looks great.
Cottage Garden is a lovely piece. Your ornaments and display are just wonderful!
Thank you for replying to my interview - interesting to know these things lol. Also thanks for my award.
The stitching is lovely - such a pretty design and oooooooohhhh I am green with envy at your ornament tree.
Lisa you have another blog award, please visit my blog to collect it!
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