Thursday, February 5, 2009

Stitching In The Snow

Well, yet again I let time run away with me and it's been 2 weeks since my last update. I seriously thought when I got made redundant that I'd have more time on my hands to be able to get all my daily chores done plus do the things I like, like stitching and blogging, but it doesn't seem to be working out that way lol, I seem busier than ever before!
Then this week most of the UK got hit by lots of snow and so DD's school has been closed 3 days out of 4 and my routine has been totally shot to pieces. School was open yesterday so luckily I managed to run around like a mad woman and get lots done, because it's closed again today and I'm just about to give DD a cross stitch lesson with a kit she got for her birthday last week. Below are a couple of pics of the snow on Monday taken in our conservatory, but we've had more since then and it's showing no signs of going for now.
Whilst all this has been going on I have at least been doing some stitching and I have pics of Cirque, Cabin and my travel project, the Cottage Garden thread pack. I am getting close to finishing my 5th page on Cirque and am getting so excited that I will have a BAP happy dance soon! I'm really really going to try hard to finish this in February but I don't know if it's going to be possible. Cabin is only being worked on on a Wednesday evening at the moment and I don't have a pic of it after last night but I really enjoyed stitching on it yesterday. I am tempted to stitch more on it today, but my Cirque goal is in my head so we'll see what ends up in my hands later lol. Cottage Garden only gets a few minutes here and there when I'm in the car either being driven somewhere by DH or waiting places for him or DD, but it's a pleasure to stitch. Once Cirque is done I'm considering spending one day a week on my small project so that it stitches up a bit quicker, but we'll see.
I do keep trying to catch up on all your blogs and comment, but I don't seem to be getting very far for some reason lol. I know how much I appreciate getting comments on here so I really am going to start trying to set aside some time each week to read and comment. You are all as always an inspiration to me with your beautiful stitching and finishing.


Anonymous said...

Oh wow your updates look fantastic. I have Cirq to do yet, but really can't decide on what colour to do it in yet.

hugs xxxx

Stitchingranny said...

lol Lisa I know what you mean about time. Since retiring I have not got anywhere near as much stitching done.

Sally said...

Wow, Lisa, your WIPs look fantastic! Cabin is coming along really well and Cirque is just stunning!

Angela said...

The updates certainly suggest you've been getting plenty of stitching time in.

At least not being at work you didn't have to worry about taking time off work when your DD's school was closed.

Claire said...

Love your updates - especially Cirque.... which I should get out sometime and make a start on it. Perhaps once my last Tatty Teddy is completed.


jane said...

Lovely stitching Lisa - must get some more done on Cirque myself soon.

Brigitte said...

Very nice progress pictures! You have two real BAPs on eof them being a HAED if I saw that right. Wow!

Carmen said...

the cirq look so beuatiful,stunning color.

Bev said...

theres too much housework in life and never enough time to stitch, aint life crap lol
oh and what is the frame your using, im stitching in black aida at the moment and its leaving marks so i need something else to use

Anonymous said...

lovely wip's Lisa, thanks for stopping by my blog :)