I really don't know how I keep ending up taking almost a month between posts. The only thing I can come up with is that I am an eternal procrastinator, if there is something that I'm not in the mood to do then I put it off and put it off until it gets to the point where I HAS to be done. I love reading blogs but it just seems that when it comes to posting on my own I'm rubbish at it lol. I'm also way behind on commenting as well, so if I haven't commented on your blog recently please forgive me, I think I'm going to have to mark them all as read and start afresh so that I can get up to date and know what everyone has been up to as I'm feeling really overwhelmed with them all right now.
I'd like to thank everyone for their lovely comments and good wishes about my coccyx operation in my last post. I'm ecstatic to say that it seems to be improving all the time and the pain now is about a third of what it was before the operation after about 4 weeks. I go back to see the consultant at the end of this month and we'll see how it is at that point and then decide what, if anything, needs doing next.
Well, although I've not been blogging I have been stitching, and I have a happy dance!

I finally finished The Trilogy's Easter Line Up late on Saturday night and am really happy with the way it turned out. I subbed all the called for threads for DMC for this one, and stitched it 1x2 on 40ct Sand Newcastle. So now for the giveaway! As you may remember from my earlier post, I won this chart from
Bev last year so now that I've finished with it I've decided to pass it on again. So if you'd like to be entered for a chance to win the chart please leave a comment on this post and I'll draw a name a week today, Monday 16th May.

Next up is my new start!
Sally and I began our My Big Toe A New Day SAL and this is where I'm up to after last Wednesday's stitching. I'm really loving how this is stitching up so far and am finding stitching certain words very emotional and thought provoking in relation to the rest of my life. It feels a bit weird but it will mean that a lot of memories and emotions go into the piece and will be there for me to remember when it's finished.
And finally are three of my wips that I've been sadly neglecting but am now stitching on again.

Nouveau Encore Designs Personalised Sampler. I stitched on this on Friday night and am now down to the bottom of the current page with the border and working on the next letter.

HAED QS Alisha.
Hazel and I were chatting on msn the other day and she said that she and
Tracy are doing a HAED SAL on a Thursday night to motivate eachother with their wips, and would I like to join. So I decided to bite the bullet and go for it! So this is a pic of her after I last worked on her, and you'll hopefully be seeing a little more progress each week from now on.

HAED Cabin In The Woods. I started this years ago now, can't remember exactly when, think it was about 2006 :(, but although it became a UFO I still love it to bits and it's on my bucket list of things I'm determined to finish in my lifetime. I decided last week that in order to do that I had to get it out and start stitching on it regularly again. So I've decided to join in the UFO SAL on
Needlecraft Haven and try to make a little progress on it each week the same as Alisha. This pic was taken yesterday afternoon and I actually put some stitches into it last night which I really enjoyed.
Well, got lots more I could waffle about, but I think I'll call that it for today before I bore you all to sleep lol. I'm seriously going to try to start updating more often, one wip at a time maybe, and try to do it from my phone as it's quicker, although the pics won't be as good, but could then maybe do a monthly update of them all from the proper camera. Will see how it goes I guess.
Thank you to all those who visit and read my wafflings, and those who take the time to leave me a comment. Hope you all have a great week ahead, get lots of stitching done, and you don't get any visits from the frogs.