Anyway, because I couldn't do much else over the weekend besides sit for about 10mins then pace the house again, I picked up my stitching and I had a happy dance on Sunday night (well, couldn't dance, just had to imagine it lol). I can honestly say if it hadn't of been for my stitching this last few days I would surely have been a lot worse and probably been a lot more frustrated than I was.
2x2 on 28ct pale blue evenweave using called for DMC
Trilogy Easter Line Up
1x2 on 40ct Sand Newcastle Linen using mostly called for DMC

I've chosen to use the recommended Flax Newcastle Linen although am going to use 40ct rather than 32ct, and have picked my own HDF silks. I've mainly chosen similar colours, except for the colour of the words which I decided I didn't want to do in a grey/brown. As I think this may end up in our bedroom when we eventually can afford to decorate it and it's going to be in magnolia, deep red and deep purple, I've changed the wording colour to a deep red, and the dark blue on the chart I've changed to a deep purple. I'm hoping this looks as good as I think it might when I get started, but if not I reserve the right to change them again as I go lol. I spoke with Sally earlier today and we've decided to make a start next Wed, 20th April, hopefully, so I should have a wip pic to show soon!
Well, that turned into a long post so I won't waffle anymore for today. I think I need to go back to posting shorter posts more regularly because I've been meaning to post for about a week now but kept putting it off because I had so much to say and didn't know where to start lol.
Til next time, hope you're all ok and happy stitching!
I've also had a new start recently. I decided I needed something on an Easter/Spring theme, and although I know there's no chance it's going to get finished in time to display this Easter, I'm still loving every minute of it. I won this chart in a giveaway Bev had on her blog early last year I think it was, so it's about time I got around to stitching it, and once it's finished I'll be passing it on in a giveaway here, so watch this space.
1x2 on 40ct Sand Newcastle Linen using mostly called for DMC
And finally here is my floss toss for another new start I have planned! Sally and I have both been having a rough time of it with various things this past few months and when we both fell in love with this design we decided it would be perfect for us to SAL together on, as it seems very apt.

Well, that turned into a long post so I won't waffle anymore for today. I think I need to go back to posting shorter posts more regularly because I've been meaning to post for about a week now but kept putting it off because I had so much to say and didn't know where to start lol.
Til next time, hope you're all ok and happy stitching!