Monday, April 6, 2009

Please Humour Me

I'm planning my next small project and have been trying to decide on floss colours etc, and it's making my head hurt lol.
This then lead to me avoiding trying to decide and wondering about all my blogging friends likes/dislikes etc. I know some of my friends favourites and we are very similar, and that made me wonder if we are friends because we like similar things, if it's just coincidence or if the things we like are generally popular.
So can you all please humour me and take a few seconds to leave me a comment with the following:-
1. Your favourite colour/s and why.
2. Your favourite season and why.
3. Your favourite floss brand and why.
4. Your favourite fabric/count and why.
5. Do you prefer bright or subtle colours.
If enough people respond and anyone's interested in the answers besides me I'll compile them and let you know the results.


jane said...

1. Purple - it's a calm, serene colour and that's how I would like to
2. Autumn - just love the first crisp days and the leaves turning colour
3. Old Willow Stitchery - I love the subtle colour palette
4. 32ct belfast linen - it's delicate without being too fiddly
5. definitely subtle
this was fun - I look forward to seeing what other people think

Brigitte said...

Hmmm, here we go:
colour - all sorts and shades of red, don't know why
season - autumn because of the fresh air, the reddish/brownish colours in nature, the storms
floss brand - DMC because it's better and faster available than everything else
fabric - Zweigart 32-40ct for the same reason
both, bright and subtle colours

DonnaTN said...

1. Lately I am tending toward rusty red/cinnamon colors.
2. Autumn because of the crispness to the air and the colors of the leaves.
3. I don't have a particular favorite floss brand.
4. I tend to stick with 28-32 count.
5. I'm not a bright, primary color person. I much prefer subtle.

Claire said...

1. Pinks and purples - calming colours for me

2. Spring as its starting to get warmer and its like a fresh start

3. DMC - so many colours and use it for most things

4. I love 27ct evenweave but struggling these days to use it.

5.Depends on my mood!

Denise said...

1. all the subtle shades of greens
and lots of variegated reds
2. Fall ~ crisp air, colorful leaves - our autumns never last very long, however!
3.DMC ~ so many shades, easy to
obtain, price is right
4. 28 count linen ~ 'cause I can
see that one!

imnverted said...

1. Greens Dk greens (evergreens) and lately Kawasaki lime greens (the in your face screaming green)
2. Winter - quite, bright (when it snows), love listing to snow falling.
3. DMC - easy on the pocket book and oh! all the colors :o)
4. 32ct evenweave or linen. not to big, not to small and I can still see the holes without glasses (fingers crossed)
5. Depends on the pattern and the fabric that calls to me

Chiloe said...

1. Peach! Don't ask me why but I love this color.

2. I love fall for the beautifl yellows/oranges in the tree but I love srping when the gardens awaken and beautiful colors appear.

3. DMC because it's cheaper. I even love to touch them, look at them: so many possibilities !!! lol

4. I adore lugana 32 count (Zweigart) and all the hand dye fabrics especially the ones from !Silkweaver.

5. Actually it depends on the patterns. Some bright colors are so nice to stitch and some subtle can be relaxing.

Et voilĂ  !

Karan said...

1. Autumn colours - I love that time of year; Sea blues & greens - calming & probably something to do with being a Cancerian!
2. Torn between Autumn because of the colours, harvesting, the last flurry of activity before winter cold sets in & Spring for the reawakening of Earth & all the new growth.
3. Carrie's Creations - nice to use, nice range & always seems to have just the right colour.
4. 28ct evenweave - nice effect & easy to see holes. :0)
5. A mix - depends on my mood. Not overly keen on primary colours though.
Look forward to seeing what you make of all the answers. :0)

Carmen said...

1. Your favourite colour/s and why.
Now, pink i need this colors.

2. Your favourite season and why.
Autumn, Because i love the tree colors.

3. Your favourite floss brand and why.
DMC, for the price (cheaper)

4. Your favourite fabric/count and why.
32 count Belfast linen (cream). Is not to big,and not to litle

5. Do you prefer bright or subtle colours.
some time bright sometime subtle.all depend of my mood.

Hazel said...

1 I like all colours and can be a bit gory sometimes although at the moment I like the soft muted colours of whits and grey/purples and beiges and creams.
2 Autumn love the smell of dead leaves!
3 Crescent colours threads at the moment although I still love my old dmcs.
4 32 count belfast or jobelan and I really like the 36 count edinburgh and 40 count newcastle too.
5 It depends on what mood I'm in and what the pattern is calling. I suppose if I had to choose it would be Subtle.

Stitchingranny said...

1. No particular colour but I love soft dusky colours - maybe because they have a timeless quality about them.
2. Definitely Summer - I hate to be cold.
3. Think it would have to be Caron Waterlilies - firstly because I love using silks and secondly the colours are usually soft and dusky (see above lol)
4. Either 28 or 32 - I am not a fan of aida and though I would like to work more on finer counts they do tire my poor old eyes quickly so these two counts just work for me.
5. Sublte colours (again its the soft and dusky thing).

Hope that helps

Sally said...

LOL You probably know most of this anyway but:

Purple or red, no reason I just like them.

Winter and Spring, the old and the new:)

DMC for normal thread and GAST for hand dyed

Anything as long as it's not aida!

Depends on my mood!

Sally said...

Forgot to say you've won an award on my blog:)

Susie said...

Colour- Purple, all shades, it's just such a beautiful colour

Season- Autumn, I love the cooler air, Halloween, and the countdown to Xmas

Floss brand- Anchor, it's the one I started with!

Fabric- 14 or 16 count aida

I like subtle colours best, although some bright designs do catch my eye from time to time!!

Shelleen said...

1. I have loved Purple since I was a teenager.
2. I love Autumn. The crisp air and smells. The colors
3. I own a lot of GAST mostly because they are easier for me to get and the cost is good.
4. I like 28 count evenweaves. Especially Monaco. I like the feel of it and the way the threads lay in this fabric
5. Do you prefer bright or subtle colours. This depends on the mood I am in and the pattern.

Anonymous said...

1- purple or blues
2- spring- as it's getting a little warmer and lighter in the mornings
3- Carries as they are reasonably priced, but also good old DMC
4- mostly 28ct as it gives a nice effect
5- subtle, pleasing to the eye